
NIPSEA Group's "Growth with Communities" activities in 2022



Color Way of Love - Art+

Color Way of Love – ART+ is a meaningful and successful project by Nippon Paint China that promotes the importance of art and color in people's lives. We aim to inject art and color into people's lives while nurturing the beauty of rural areas through murals. To achieve this goal, we invite mural artists and designers from all over the world to create murals in cities and schools in rural areas with a focus on childcare and animal protection.
To ensure the smooth implementation of the project, we carefully select 10-15 walls in Shanghai and Chengdu and negotiate with the government in advance. In 2022, we completed 14 murals in these cities, bringing joy and beauty to the citizens. We are delighted that the project has received recognition from the party media, which has enhanced our branding impact. Additionally, since the development of ART+, we have received an overwhelming response from mural artists and designers who are eager to join Color Way of Love. Our charity partners have also grown, making the project more impactful.

Total project execution cost (USD) $207,369
Number of hours committed 4,320
Number of employees involved 100
Paint used (in liters) 2,280
Area in refurnished spaces (in square feet) 12,917
Number of lives impacted 2,674

Upskilling Programs for Painters (PROceed: Painter Training & Development Academy)

At Nippon Paint India, we recognize that the painter community plays a critical role in growing our business. We believe that a professional certification program not only imparts essential knowledge and skills to our prospective painters, but also cultivates a strong work ethic and improves other soft skills that will translate to additional positive effects.
In India, painting has always been seen as a semi-skilled job that can be done by anyone, but we feel that our training program should be viewed as a great opportunity to upskill existing painters. We aim to make the decorative painting profession a highly skilled and respectable one by enabling painters to become “Pro” and developing them to be an entrepreneur of their own. In that regard, Nippon Paint India has collaborated with Paints & Coating Skill Council & Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation to provide Recognition of Prior Learning (“RPL”) certificates.
We have certified more than 23,000 painters across Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

Total project execution cost Over $110,000
Number of hours committed 35,000
Number of lives impacted 30,000
Number of painters who received government certificates 23,000

School Light Project

Nippon Paint Vietnam’s collaboration with the Hope Foundation on their School Light Project aims to paint and rebuild 10 schools in four different provinces of Vietnam. The goal of this project is to provide new and improved learning environments for underserved children, giving them a better chance to succeed in their studies.
Through this partnership, Nippon Paint Vietnam is able to enhance its relationship with the Hope Foundation, which is a well-respected non-profit organization in Vietnam, as well as showcase its commitment to social responsibility and community development.

Total project execution cost (USD) $16,120
Number of hours committed 18
Paint used (in liters) 3,083
Area in refurnished spaces (in square feet) 165,344
Number of lives impacted 1,026

More information about NIPSEA Group's CSR activities

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Corporate Social Responsibilities site of NIPSEA Group

  • Corporate Social Responsibilities PDF of NIPSEA Group (Released on Aug 2023)
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