The Nippon Paint Group will aim to create wealth by addressing social issues with the goal of achieving Maximization of Shareholder Value (MSV).
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Sustainability Initiatives
The Nippon Paint Group will continue to take many actions involving materiality related to sustainability that is identified from a global perspective based on a structure that strengthens the link between sustainability initiatives and business operations.

Society today is increasingly facing issues that cannot be solved using past methods. We are enhancing our ability to generate innovation by improving our proprietary paint and coating technologies and actively engaging in collaborative partnerships.

The Group believes that it is indispensable for the sustainable business activities of companies to contribute to reducing global environment impact through the effective use of resources, such as water, energy, and raw materials, and the prevention of environmental pollution. With this belief, it will advance various initiatives. It will also build a sustainable business by actively using innovative technologies.

The Group has determined "diversity & inclusion," "safe people and operations," and "growth with communities" as its materiality (crucial issues) related to society. It will fulfill its responsibility to future generations, believing that addressing these issues is a driving force for its continued growth and success.

The Group will establish effective governance frameworks to ensure the transparency, objectivity, and fairness of the management of the companies and earn society’s trust everywhere it operates.
The Board of Directors recognizes fiduciary responsibilities to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, and supervises the Group’s overall management by taking responsibility for the Company’s sustainable growth and maximization of mid- to long-term shareholder value (MSV) through the appropriate exercise its authority.

Sustainable Procurement
The Nippon Paint Group’s businesses depend on the supply of a broad range of products and services, such as raw materials, equipment, other materials, and information services. We have established a Procurement Policy as our basic approach to business transactions with suppliers and base our procurement activities on this policy.