Environmental pollution
Basic approach to preventing environmental pollution
The Group has declared ”Resources and Environment” as one of our materialities. In the paint manufacturing process, we not only comply with all relevant laws and regulations, but also take a proactive approach to preventing pollution.
To date, each Group company has been carrying out initiatives that prevent environmental pollution as it serves as the foundation of business development and management. In order to address the changing social situation as well as further meet the expectations and demands of stakeholders, Nippon Paint Group is promoting initiatives on a global scale and established a global policy on the prevention of environmental pollution in 2021 with the Global Working Team (currently the Sustainability Team) under the ESG Committee in order to share its objectives with all employees. Based on this policy, the Group will strive to prevent pollution of the air, soil, and hydrosphere.
We care for the environment to avoid polluting the air, soil, and water*.
* Refers to oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, etc.
Based on a new group policy formulated in 2023 regarding “Resources and Environment,” a materiality theme, we will continue striving to prevent pollution of air, soil, and water.
Initiatives for preventing environmental pollution
Nippon Paint Group has been carrying out initiatives that prevent environmental pollution as it serves as the foundation of business development and management. In order to address the changing social situation as well as further meet the expectations and demands of stakeholders, the Group is promoting initiatives on a global scale and established a global policy on the prevention of environmental solution. Based on this policy, the Group will strive to prevent pollution of the air, soil, and hydrosphere.
At NIPSEA Group, to reduce the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) as compared to our current oxidation methods, we are collaborating with research centers to develop non-burn technology through electrolysis. In parallel, to reduce VOC volatilization, we continue to optimize our product composition towards water-based and solvent-free paint products. This involves investing in treatment facilities to improve our technological capabilities in recycling and reusing unavoidable VOC.
For details on air and water pollution, see the ESG Data page.
Targets and results for prevention of environmental pollution
Activities to prevent air, water, and soil pollution are managed through Responsible Care activities. Targets and results, see the Environmental and safety management page.
See here for details on the preventive measures against leakage and outflow of hazardous substances.
Amount of investment in environmental protection
The Group positions the period of the new Medium-term Management Plan (FY2021-2023) as a period of establishing the foundation for sustainable growth. It is considered a period to enhance our competitive edge and productivity to ensure sustainable growth of the Group. As capital investment is crucial to the manufacturing industry, we have planned to invest ¥10 billion globally on R&D and environmental protection during the course of the three years.
As a result of strictly limiting capital investment over a long period of time in Japan, we are faced with the urgent challege to address the increased number of accidents and quality issues on the manufacturing frontlines as a result of aging factories, as some sites have been in service for over 50 years. Moreover, as it is difficult to comply with ESG issues with the current aging equipment, we plan to make proactive capital investment in Japan in order to implement measures geared towards net zero CO2 emissions.