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Investor Book

    • Released on September 4, 2024
    • Investor BookPDF4.7MB

    • Updated contents
      Company Overview:
      (4)Asset Assembler Model - P7
      (7)Inorganic Growth - P14
      (10)Overview of Partner Companies: TUC/TUB YoY change (In LCY) - P20
      Business Environment:
      (6)Market Data - P41-46

    • Contents
      Investor Book provides basic information and data useful for investors who are looking into our Group for the first time. Investor Book
      Company Overview
      1. Group Overview
      2. Management Team
      3. Management Mission: Maximization of Shareholder Value (MSV)
      4. Asset Assembler Model
      5. Our Approach to Maximize PER
      6. Organic Growth
      7. Inorganic Growth
      8. Finance Policy to Accelerate EPS Compounding
      9. Sustainability Initiatives That Drive EPS and PER
      10. Overview of Partner Companies
      11. List of Major Brands
      Business Environment
      1. Roles of Paint and Coatings in Society
      2. The Global Paint and Coatings Market
      3. The Global Adjacencies Market
      4. The Global Competitive Landscape
      5. Raw Materials for Paint and Coatings
      6. Market Data
      7. Appendix: Glossary

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