Materiality / Risks and Opportunities

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Applying our strengths to items of materiality to solve social issues and create business opportunities

Accompanying the expansion of our overseas operations, we reviewed our materiality in August 2020 based on our policy of integrating SDGs and ESG initiatives into our corporate management.

We identified items of materiality by creating a list of material issues which society requires us to address and by referencing international guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) as well as items required by ESG research organizations. We then performed quantitative evaluations of each issue and verified their significance in terms of the degree of importance to stakeholders and the degree of importance to our businesses. We engaged external experts to gain objective viewpoints on the issues and held discussions with our partner companies around the world to identify material issues associated with our business model and the business environment. The issues were then designated as our items of materiality.
Cross-functional teams under the ESG Committee were assigned to each materiality to discuss and develop materiality initiatives. We have started gathering information on important topics and sharing the latest issues and ideas with our Group’s partner companies worldwide.
We are applying our Group's technological strengths and actively collaborating with external partners to address social issues. We are also contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015.

* Please visit our website for information about our CSR Goals through FY2020 and Pthe progress and achievements in FY2020 at:

Materiality Identification Process

Materiality Identification Process

Materiality map

Materiality map
Explanation of Materiality
Progress in FY2020-2021

Sustainability Information

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