Integrated Report 2023

The main theme of the Integrated Report 2023 is about our strive to maximize shareholder value via inorganically skillful assembling of assets, and organically value enhancing management of assets.

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  • Introduction (Purpose, Maximization of Shareholder Value (MSV), Editorial Policy)PDF2.6MB

Message from the Management

Image: Letter to Investors about the Integrated Report 2023

Letter to Investors about the Integrated Report 2023


Committing to achieving Maximization of Shareholder Value (MSV) through Asset Assembler model backed by autonomous and decentralized management

MSV - Our Sole Mission

  • Sustainability as the Prerequisite for MSVPDF227KB

  • Development of Our Business Model and Evolution of Our Growth StrategyPDF213KB

  • Accumulated Management ResourcesPDF86KB

  • Value Creation Achievements (Financial and Non-Financial Highlights)PDF696KB

Our Medium to Long-Term Management Strategy for Achieving MSV

Image: Co-President Wakatsuki

Our Finance and M&A Strategies to Achieve MSV
Presented by Co-President Wakatsuki

Image: Co-President Wee

Progress of Structural Reforms in Japan Group and Roadmap for Improving Profitability Presented by Co-President Wee

  • Overview and Updates on Medium-Term PlanPDF402KB

  • Feature Article (1): M&A Success CasePDF1.2MB

  • Sustainability StrategyPDF806KB

  • Feature Article (2): High Growth Potential of the China BusinessPDFKB

Corporate Governance

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